BioScience Trends. 2020;14(3):182-191. (DOI: 10.5582/bst.2020.03110)
The impact of social capital on civil society organizations delivering voluntary counseling and testing HIV/AIDS service: a crosssectional study in China
Liu L, Wang D, Qin X, Hu Z, Chen R
In China, Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing (VCT) services are mostly provided by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). This cross-sectional study investigated the association between CSOs' social capital and VCT service availability in eight Chinese provinces during July–December 2015. Data on CSOs' characteristics were collected through questionnaire-based interviews. Social capital was measured using a purpose-developed questionnaire. Logistic regression models tested the association between social capital and the scale of VCT services. A total of 103 CSOs that provided VCT to MSM (MSM-focused CSOs), and 109 CSOs that provided such service to non-MSM population (other CSOs) were included. Overall, 144 (67.9%) CSOs were not registered with local governments, while 106 (50%) received RMB 50,000 ($7,670) funding in 2014. Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that the CSOs with a higher level of shared vision were more likely to provide a large-scale of VCT service than those with a lower level of shared vision (AOR = 1.95). Moreover, intra-networks were positively associated with the VCT service (AOR = 2.87) among other CSOs, while the level of shared vision was positively associated with the VCT service (AOR = 3.08) among other-MSMfocused CSOs. There was no significant association between social capital and total service scale. Our findings suggest that increasing social capital can potentially enhance VCT service and play an important role in AIDS prevention.